Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Welcome to Porter

It is raining in Somerville. This is a good thing. The rains mean I have an excuse to make myself a pot of tea and read lazily in a corner.

Actually, that is a lie. I rarely have the time to read for the sake of reading these days. I shall likely instead be forcing myself to write shorthand, or checking my upcoming calendar for opportunities to meet up with friends, or perhaps updating my long list of Things I Want To Create Some Day. It has acquired about thirty or so items on it since I started writing down things a year ago, and it grows by the month. It's become rather intimidating, to be frank (though who wants to be Frank? He's a bit of a jerk).

Sorry, that was not a tangent I should subject you to. No one aside from me would truly care about my designs to build and operate a flying cafe and bakery. No, you would much rather see some pictures of things. Perhaps this blog shall give me an excuse to get out in Boston with my camera more; we shall see.

While I consider that further, your image for the day is the most terrifying set of stairs known to the Red Line: Porter Square.

Halfway down the Eternal Escalator

The subway station at Porter Square is buried deep beneath the surface of the earth, for some reason only a failed civil engineer could think was a good idea. As a result, you get to and from the trains via two long escalators. You have two choices in dealing with these sinister beasts. One, you simply get on and wait for death as you descend into the bowels of the earth. Two, you walk down the escalators and shave off a minute or two, at the expense of feeling like you walked up or down a mountain.

Contrary to popular belief, there is no third option. Those stairs on the sides are for decoration only. My sister once tried them when she came to visit me. Poor soul.

I love how the hanging posters mock you as you travel. Pictures of the trains you'll miss as you descend. Pictures of the birds you won't see in the sky as you ascend.

At some point I'll post further on travel through Boston. The T is a mystical, marvelous thing, and only Hong Kong's MTR system has bested it from my personal travels.



  1. Delighted to see a fresh post and I excitedly await more. I much enjoyed this glimpse into your daily life, mood and aspirations as well as what I would call a descriptive (poetic/sarcastic/depressing) and fair portrayal of the Porter Square station entrance. Or do you prefer to think of it as an exit? This blog is an excellent excuse to take pictures around Boston. Having pictures of Boston is an excellent excuse to blog.

  2. I would call Porter Square station as a kind of purgatory, honestly. It's simply something you must bear to get to the good parts of Boston. It's kind of funny, actually, that it is often quicker for me to walk to Davis Square than take the Red Line from Porter to it.

    I'll keep working on this blog as time allows. Things have eaten me this past week or so pretty thoroughly. I promise I'll keep it up!
